Source code for adafruit_fingerprint.interface

"""AdafruitFingerprint core API

class AdafruitFingerprint
    Implements the core interface of the fingerprint module as methods


# Adafruit imports
from adafruit_fingerprint.core import Package
from adafruit_fingerprint.exceptions import *
from adafruit_fingerprint.responses import *
from adafruit_fingerprint.utils import hexbyte_2integer_normalizer

# pylint: disable=no-else-return

[docs] class AdafruitFingerprint: """Interface class for adafruit fingerprint module This class implements the methods for interacting with the adafruit fingerprint module as is in the official datasheet """
[docs] def __init__(self, port=None): """Initialize class with serial port object This sets up the `AdafruitFingerprint` class with the serial `port` object to be used for serial communication. The `port` object is passed down during initialization of the `Package` class from the `core` module (which composes this class) where it is actually used. The implementation of the type of serial object `port` must be is not strict. This is why it is left up to the user to select the type of serial object to be used, as can be seen in the examples section. In development, the ``pyserial`` package is used. So the constraints are that the serial port object must implement two (2) methods (a ``read`` and a ``write``); which reads and writes from the serial in and out-buffer of the specified port string used when creating the serial connection, and a property ``in_waiting``; which checks the in-buffer for waiting (buffered) incoming data, as specified in the pyserial docs. We advise you simply go with the pyserial package for 100% compatibility. We refused to be strict on this, by abstracting away the serial connection entirely from the user (to the core module perhaps), this is so as to have similiarities with the actual adafruit fingerprint library implemented in arduino which accepts a serial port connection (a hardware or software serial). Parameters __________ port : serial.Serial Instance of the Serial class from the serial module. The serial port passed to allow serial communication (Default is None) Attributes __________ package : core.Package Instance of the `Package` class from the local `core` module that describes the complete format for communicating with the adafruit fingerprint module over serial communication. The format describes and composes, and receives and sends the complete read and raw write packets """ if port is None: raise MissingPortException( 'No port passed for serial communication') self.package = Package(port=port)
[docs] def vfy_pwd(self): """Verify module's handshaking password Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) Note ____ This has to be the first method to be called on any created instance of this class. It also serves as a checker for proper hardware connections as it first tries to establish communication with the connected module """ data = [0x13, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_PASSWORD_OK: return FINGERPRINT_PASSWORD_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_WRONG_PASSWORD: return FINGERPRINT_WRONG_PASSWORD else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def gen_img(self): """Try detecting finger and store the detected finger image in ImageBuffer while returning successful confirmation code; If there is no finger, returned confirmation code would be “can’t detect finger”. Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x01] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER: return FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def img_2Tz(self, buffer): """To generate character file from the original finger image in ImageBuffer and store the file in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2. Parameters __________ buffer : int one of two module CharBuffers used for template storage Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x02, buffer] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_IMAGEMESS: return FINGERPRINT_IMAGEMESS elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_FEATUREFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_FEATUREFAIL elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_INVALIDIMAGE: return FINGERPRINT_INVALIDIMAGE else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def reg_model(self): """To combine information of character files from CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 and generate a template which is stroed back in both CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2. Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x05] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_ENROLLMISMATCH: return FINGERPRINT_ENROLLMISMATCH else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def up_char(self, buffer): """To upload the character file or template of CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 to upper computer. Parameters __________ buffer : int one of two module CharBuffers used for template storage Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ tuple On success. Confirmation code (A response object) and fingerprint template `template` int On failure. Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x08, buffer] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: template = self.package.read_template() return FINGERPRINT_OK, template elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEUPLOADFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEUPLOADFAIL else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def down_char(self, buffer, template): """To download character file or template from upper computer to the Specified buffer of Module. Parameters __________ buffer : int one of two module CharBuffers used for template storage template : str previously generated template passed down from upper computer Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x09, buffer] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: self.package.write_template(data=template) return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEDOWNLOADFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEDOWNLOADFAIL else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def store(self, buffer, page_id): """To store the template of specified buffer (Buffer1/Buffer2) at the designated Location (page) of Flash library. Parameters __________ buffer : int one of two module CharBuffers used for template storage page_id : int designated location in module flash library (0 - 255) Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x06, buffer, 0x00, page_id] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION: return FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_FLASHER: return FINGERPRINT_FLASHER else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def search(self, buffer, page_start=0, page_num=255): """To search the whole finger library or a protion of it for the template that matches the One in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 When found, page_id will be returned. Parameters __________ buffer : int one of two module CharBuffers used for template storage page_start : int, optional location in module flash library to start search from (Default is 0) page_num : int, optional location in module flash library to end search (Default is 255) Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ tuple On success. Confirmation code (A response object), `page_id` where template was fonud, and the confidence score int On failure. Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x04, buffer, 0x00, page_start, 0x00, page_num] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: page_id = hexbyte_2integer_normalizer( serial_data[5], serial_data[6]) confidence_score = hexbyte_2integer_normalizer( serial_data[7], serial_data[8]) return FINGERPRINT_OK, page_id, confidence_score elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND: return FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def delete_char(self, page_id, num=1): """To delete a segment (n) of templates of Flash library started from the specified location (or Page_id). Parameters __________ page_id : int location in module flash library to start delete from num : int number of templates to be deleted from module flash library (Default is 1) Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x0c, 0x00, page_id, 0x00, num] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEDELETEFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATEDELETEFAIL elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION: return FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_FLASHER: return FINGERPRINT_FLASHER else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def empty(self): """To delete all the templates in the Flash library Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ int Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x0d] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: return FINGERPRINT_OK elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATECLEARALLFAIL: return FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATECLEARALLFAIL else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')
[docs] def template_num(self): """To read the current valid template number of the Module Raises ______ UnknownConfirmationCodeException if no valid confirmation code is received from module SerialReadException if no serial data can be read from buffer (from module) Returns _______ Returns _______ tuple On success. Confirmation code (A response object), template number count in flash library int On failure. Confirmation code (A response object) """ data = [0x1d] self.package.write(data=data) serial_data = if len(serial_data) > 0: package_content = serial_data[4] if package_content == FINGERPRINT_OK: template_num = hexbyte_2integer_normalizer( serial_data[5], serial_data[6]) return FINGERPRINT_OK, template_num elif package_content == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER: return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECEIVER else: raise UnknownConfirmationCodeException( 'Unknown confirmation code') raise SerialReadException('No data read from serial port')